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 Wat Purusodharma
 3.8x3.8 cm
Untitled Document

MahaThep "Phrabaromakru MahaThep"

One with honest word, faith, respect to elders Gods/Devas. They are blessed with holy spirits to all successful fortune.

Holy items from Wat Purusodharma blessed/chanted for successful, good in wealth/luck fortune among protection. Good ingredients made from all auspice woods in Thailand. These auspice wood have a good meaning and use for builded temple/church and many important holy building and ceremonies. The amulet made into the 4 powerful gods image, backside 12 zodiac and yans blessing mantra of each gods.

PhraPhrom (Brahma) - 4 faces Buddha, god of wisdom. People worship PhraPhrom for successful in business and career. To be bless with wisdom, one can get through any obstacle in life.

PhraShiva - God of destruction, in this meaning to purity all evils and sins. Shiva grant to most powerful miracle into people's fortune. For those who stay in right way worship Shiva, their life fortune raise up never end.

PhraNarai (Narayana or Vishnu) - PhraNarai one of the great god, most belived reincarnate into Buddha and many great gods like SriRarm of Ramakaya. Narai is powerful god, bring strong protection against dangers and all misfortune.

PhraPikaned (Ganesha) - God of success and destroyer, PhraPikaned bring successful to wearer fortune and protection. Purify all evils/darkness. Every people doing buy/sell business would worship Ganesha for his blessing to bring successful fortune.

For more details please visit this links : PhraPhrom / PhraShiva / PhraNarai / PhraPikaned

Ceremony worship Gods/Devas 7-13 Febuary b.e.2551

Ceremony wai-kru worship elders/spirits 14-16 Febuary b.e.2551

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