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 LpDoo Rean BodhiYarn
 Wat Sagae
 2.5x3.3 cm
Untitled Document

Luangpu Doo Rean BodhiYarn

This is one best of Luangpu Doo's rean amulet, bless strong protection and great fortune.

Holy ingredients attached put inside the rean amulet. For 1st time and only once to use the best meterials/ingredients for 10 years to make the most powerful of Luangpu Doo's amulet.

- Luangpu Doo's cremains relics - Luangpu Doo's hairs - Luangtar Mar's hairs - Phong Mahajakrapad(Emperor holy powder) the old powders consecrated by Luangpu Doo himself - Old powders from WatSagae by Luangpu Doo since the 1st batch release - Rice from the buttom of monk's begging bowl chanted by Luangpu Doo - Old consecrated holy powder which Luangtar Mar made for 10 years - All holy ingredients from all over thailand related to the King Taksin, King Naraesuan and all Mahararth Kings. Powerful holy powders/incense of the center city altar from all 76 provinces of Thailand.

The best of Luangpu Doo's mantra - Katha Mahajakrapad (Emperor mantra)

Namotassa Pakawatoh Arrahatoh Summa Sumputassa (3 times)

(Chant the mantra follow on the days power : Monday 15, Tuesday 8, Wednesday 17, Thursday 19, Friday 21, Saturday 10, Sunday 6 times.)

Na-Mo-Put-Ta-Ya Phra-Putta-Trai-Rattana-Yarn Manee-Noparat Si-Sa-Has-Sa Su-Dham-Ma, Put-Toh Dhum-Mo Sunk-Kho Ya-Ta-Put-Mo-Na Put-Ta-Bu-Cha Dhum-Ma-Bu-Cha Sunk-Kha-Bu-Cha, Auk-Kee-Tar-Nung Wa-Rung-Cun-Tung Si-Va-Li-Ja-Maha-Tay-Rung Ar-Hung-Wun-Tar-Mi Tu-Ra-Toh Ar-Hung-Wun-Tar-Mi-Ta-Tu-Yo Ar-Hung-Wun-Tar-Mi-Sub-Pa-So, Put-Ta Dhum-Ma Sunk-Kha Pu-Che-Mi.

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